Resourcing Kingdom Work

Refreshing Kingdom Workers

Reporting Kingdom Stories

Financial Support
Anchored Mission Teams
Anchored Truth Bible Training
Leadership Investment
Anchored Mission Radio
Prayer and Presence
Spiritual Mentoring and Guidance
Anchored Mission Retreats
The Anchored Mission Podcast

Anchored Mission Leadership

Justin Marbury
Board Chairman, President, Executive Director
Scott Cornell
Member of the Board
Chuck Wilson
Board Treasurer
John Marshall
Member of the Board
Mike Gray
Board Secretary

Anchored Mission Radio < 91.5FM WWNH Meredith, NH >

We're just getting started. Our goal is to build a lakes region radio station that will resource, refresh, and report on all that God is doing around Lake Winnipesaukee.

Contact Anchored Mission

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.

Give To and Through Anchored Mission

When you give make sure to designate where your gift should be directed:
1) Wherever it is needed
2) Radio Station (91.5FM WWNH)
3) Bible Training and Leadership Investement in Latin America (Guatemala, Peru, Brazil)
3) Guatemala Missionaries (Misteco or Rodas), or
4) Scholarship fund for Bible Institute in Guatemala.

Anchored Mission Inc. and Anchored Mission Radio offices presently reside on the campus of Calvary Wolfeboro at 43 Mill Street, Wolfeboro, NH 03894. This webpage is also temporarily located at