New Classes Every Sunday
Age Groups Available for Classes:
Nursery: Babies - Age 3 (not yet potty trained)
Preschool: Age 3 (potty trained) - Age 5
Lower Elementary: Kindergarten - 2nd Grade *available as staffing permits*
Upper Elementary: 3rd Grade - 5th Grade *available as staffing permits*
Due to staffing limitations every last Sunday of the month, Celebration Sunday, will be offering Nursery and Preschool only. Elementary students will join their families in the sanctuary where there will be In-Service Clipboard Activities for the kids.
Nursery: Babies - Age 3 (not yet potty trained)
Preschool: Age 3 (potty trained) - Age 5
Lower Elementary: Kindergarten - 2nd Grade *available as staffing permits*
Upper Elementary: 3rd Grade - 5th Grade *available as staffing permits*
Due to staffing limitations every last Sunday of the month, Celebration Sunday, will be offering Nursery and Preschool only. Elementary students will join their families in the sanctuary where there will be In-Service Clipboard Activities for the kids.
Calvary Kids aims to be a safe, exciting, and truth-filled place for the children of the church to learn about the truths of Christ, the importance of the Bible, and the joy that it is to follow Jesus. Our heart is to come along-side parents in their Biblical charge to raise their children "in the discipline and instruction of the Lord" (Ephesians 6:4) by providing a consistent weekly environment where children can gather, worship, and read and learn about the stories of the Bible in such a way that they can't wait to come back.

If you had a view into a Calvary Kids classroom you’d see kids learning key truths from God’s Word and how to apply them to their lives. You may see them acting out a passage from the Bible, working on a craft project, singing songs, playing games, or digging into deep discussion together. You’d see kids smiling, laughing, and asking questions to help them better understand The Bible.
The time that kids spend at Calvary Kids is purposeful to anchor them in spiritual truths so that when they finish sixth grade they will be equipped to join the adults in the main worship service where the Bible is taught.
The time that kids spend at Calvary Kids is purposeful to anchor them in spiritual truths so that when they finish sixth grade they will be equipped to join the adults in the main worship service where the Bible is taught.

To listen:
To watch:
To read:
- Adventures in Odyssey
- Jonathan Park audio stories (for older kids)
- Calvary Kids worship playlist (Apple Music, Spotify)
- Slugs and Bugs albums
To watch:
- Torchlighter series
- Owlegories TV show
- Wild Brothers series
- Voice of the Martyrs movies on the life of Jesus
- Our Planet (Netflix)
- Chronicles of Narnia movies
- Miracle Maker movie
- The Bible Project videos on YouTube (older kids)
To read:
- Jesus Storybook Bible
- NIV Adventure Bible Action Bible
- Devotions for younger kids: Indescribable, I Am (Names of God)
- Devotions for older kids: Action Bible Devotions, any of the Kids Read Truth Bible studies
- Any of the Tales that Tell the Truth picture books
- Christian Heroes Now and Then books
- Kids Read Truth, This is the Gospel book
- Chronicles of Narnia series (makes a great read-aloud!)
- Bible for Kids
- SuperBook
- Bible Memory Kids