God Loves Cheerful Givers

Jan 6, 2019    Justin Marbury    Core Value 03

God loves a cheerful giver. Meditate on that statement for any length of time and it should transform your philosophy about giving. There shouldn’t be any scrooges in the Kingdom. “When you give,” Jesus said, “don’t let your right hand know what your left hand is doing.” His assumption is that we would give. It is therefore not the fact of giving that is even Jesus’ focus but the attitude of giving. How far most Americans are in their giving from what God intends. Barna states that Evangelical Christians in America give, on average, 2-3% of their income to the local church. Their study doesn’t reveal this but it’s probably safe to say that anyone who is giving such a small amount to the work of God is not doing it cheerfully. Cheerful giving is generous giving. And It begins with the work of the local church but it doesn’t stop there.