Expectations: One Another

Aug 19, 2018    Justin Marbury    Onward, 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8

The world that the Church was birthed into was a world of normalized sexual immorality. It’s for that reason, in part, that so many of the lists of sins given in the New Testament begin with sexual immorality. Knowing that fornication and the like would be all around the Church, God made sure that His Body knew that sexual immorality wouldn’t be allowed in it. Fast forward to 2018, sexual immorality still plagues the church but there’s something much more subtle that is undermining the Spiritual health of the Bride of Christ. Let’s call it Secular Immorality. As we seek to consider what each of us, as sheep in the flock should expect of one another it is to this idea that we will shift our focus. Secular immorality is the sin in modern Christianity that removes God, practically, from every part of life. It is this tendency that we must help each other fight against as we seek to please God more and more.