The Heart of Worship
Jul 21, 2019 • Justin Marbury • Deep & Wide, Romans 12:1-2
Every week, in church buildings around the world, God's people gather for what we call "worship." In cars, living rooms, and showers millions of saints play what they call "worship" music. We are continually talking about worship in a way that can cause it to lose its real meaning. Worship is more than an event. It's more than a song. Which is why Matt Redman, in his song, "The Heart of Worship," proclaims to God, "I'll bring You more than a song. For a song in itself is not what you have required. Your search much deeper within, through the way things appear. You're looking into my heart." Worship is a matter of the heart. So what is the heart of worship? Paul tells us in Romans 12:1-2.