Delight in the Savior
For the follower of Christ, surrender is par for the course. As it was for the Savior, so it is for His servants. Like Jesus, we must deal with sin, die to self, and dwell in submission. Of course, Jesus didn’t have to deal with the sin in his own life, he had to deal with our sin. And yet, even though He never sinned, his life was the prototype of the surrender that means for us giving up your life in order to save it. How did Jesus do it? Where did the strength He needed to surrender His life come from? The Father, of course. For although he was a man, he was also God the Son. His dependence of the Father for strength provides for us another example to follow. We, too, need a strength outside of ourselves in order to live a life of surrender. If we try to do it our own strength we will only end up discouraged and defeated. If we learn how to delight in God, we will have all the grace we need to live a life of surrender.